
Time Management

So here's the deal... My life has been taken over by everything I love.

I love what I do. But there are times when I wish I could take a brief 48-hour break from my schedule just to read a book in the park, or paint a picture, or go to the museum, or write a poem. I also wish my schedule allowed for even a fifteen minute break to update my blog. But alas, this is not the case.

Again, although my life is being taken over, I love every moment of it.

But here is the issue which I would like to address here: time management.

I understand that I too have been busy, but I am making sure that I find time to tend to my obligations, call my mother, get some exercise, and occasionally even eat and/or sleep. What I don't understand is when people claim that they are just "sooo busy," and can't get anything done. But when I sign on to Facebook at the end of the day, I have seventeen different Farmville requests from them. No. I will not buy a pig from you or whatever it is that you want me to do. Go read a book.

Apologies for that outburst. I am just annoyed with Farmville. Anyway...

My thought is that if you have a lot to do, then the longer you complain about your work-load, the less time you have to get work done. I'm busy too, but you don't see me complaining about it. Well... Except for right here. But this is different. This is a blog.

Hopefully I can add my blog to my long list of things to do each day. Perhaps I'll just write out quick thoughts at the end of each day, or something like that. Or maybe I'll take another month and a half off from blogging until I randomly remember that this exists. Who's to say...

Well if you read this, I thank you for your time. And you're likely much better at managing your time if you have time to read blog entries like this. Sorry... The next one will be better. Promise.

Until next time.



Teenage Senselessness

I get it. "Boys will be boys." But I think once you enter high school, your behaviors are no longer excused by this rule.

As the road trip continued, we arrived at another Rest Plaza today. This time in Pennsylvania. A group of at least twenty high school aged boys were also at the same plaza. I, frankly, don't like being around large groups of people my own age. At least groups that I don't know. I know that they are most likely jocks who punch each other for fun, whereas my friends and I eat skittles and sing show tunes for fun.

Well this group was no exception.

After being in the car for hours with nothing to comfort me but Will and Grace on DVD and a large bottle of water, I had to use the facilities. As did every one of these twenty high school boys. Well they must have thought that they were the only ones in the bathroom as they were pushing each other around. One, thinking I was his friend, tried to block me from a toilet. Upon shouting "Excuse me!" into his ear, he got the picture that I wasn't his friend.

Another boy, not aware of his surroundings, pushed my father into a wall to get to a toilet first. My father was not too happy with these proceedings. The boy was immediately brought back to reality as he realized what he had just done. He began to apologize profusely. Needless to say, this boy was embarrassed.

Lucky for the boy, I did not know of this until my father told me in the lobby. Had I known/seen what happened, I would have assembled my soap box right then and there in the bathroom and began a short lecture on etiquette, politeness, and sensibility. But I simply gave them an eye roll and a not-so-secret look of judgment on my face.

Like I said, "Boys will be boys," needs to stop somewhere. Some of these boys must have been at least eighteen years old. I think they would know better than to push each other around in a public bathroom.

Until next time.



Sensible Hygiene

There are some things that I feel need to be shared with the rest of the world. For example, a smile, a hug, the occasional "Hi, how are ya," or, "Now don't you look nice today," etc.

And then there are things that I think are best off kept to one's self. For example, bathroom habits, bedroom activities, personal hygiene routines, Sarah Palin support, etc.

Earlier today, as I was on the first leg of a very long road trip, my family and I stopped at a Rest Plaza on the side of the road. I was experiencing some mild car sickness, and was in search of some Dramamine inside the convenience store located, conveniently, inside of the Rest Plaza. I found the Dramamine I needed at quite a steep price. But rather than feeling miserable, I felt it best to bite the dust, and spend five whole dollars on four doses of the stuff.

I was about to get in line to purchase these overpriced pills when I saw the checker behind the counter was clipping his fingernails. You read correctly - clipping his fingernails.

I then proceeded to place my desperately needed pills back on the shelf.

I was not about to support this man's habit of clipping his nails publicly. I doubt that he works so much that he simply doesn't have to time to clip his nails at home. How do I know that a rogue hangnail isn't going to end up in my wax-paper wrapped convenient store hot dog? I know that because I would never get one. But someone might! And when they do, they'll be really grossed out.

So here is my plan for the night: I'm going to go read a Jodi Picoult novel in the hotel lobby while enjoying the setting sun and smiling politely at those around me.

Here is NOT my plan for the night: To sit in the front lobby reading Sarah Palin's autobiography while clipping my toenails in my underwear.

Until next time.



Biting My Tongue

I have this bad habit of having really strong opinions about almost everything. So when I hear someone make an ignorant statement, see an inconsiderate Facebook status, or I read an offensive article, I have a hard time keeping my opinions to myself.

So many times we hear the word "confrontational" and think it's a negative trait in a person. I, personally, see it as a willingness to confront a problem or situation. I don't think it's necessarily always a bad thing.

But then there are times where I have to ask myself, "Is it worth it to put up this fight?"

Tonight I saw someone's Facebook status that was clearly one of ignorant thinking, and a lack of analysis. It was a FOX News status of sorts.

My gut reaction was to type a brief, informative response, and put a nice ":-)" at the end. I've even thought very specifically about how and what to say. But at this point I think it better to just bite my tongue.

Ignorance is a voluntary situation. This person is choosing to live their life viewing things from a very negative, closed-minded perspective. Whereas I like to think that I come from a more optimistic, well-informed perspective.

All in all, there is virtually no point in responding to these type of people, because it is with near certainty that I can say they won't change their mind. I'm stubborn. You're stubborn. We're all stubborn. Let's call the whole thing off. Wait... What I'm saying is people who choose to be ignorant want to stay that way, despite your well phrased opinions to the contrary.

Until next time.



News Sensibility

The other day a friend posted an article to his Facebook profile. As soon as I saw that it was from Fox News, I knew he was not posting it in support. Fox News isn't even allowed to be on the TV in our house. The only Fox News I ever see is if it's shown on the Daily Show or something of the sort.

Here is the text from the article by Fox reporter Anna Davlantes. I have not edited any of the text, this is simply copied/pasted. (I'll include the link to the article at the end of this note.)


Are Libraries Necessary, or a Waste of Tax Money?
Published : Monday, 28 Jun 2010, 9:53 PM CDT
Chicago - They eat up millions of your hard earned tax dollars. It's money that could be used to keep your child's school running. So with the internet and e-books, do we really need millions for libraries?
Libraries are quiet havens for the community. They take us to other worlds. They even make us laugh. But should these institutions -- that date back to 1900 B.C. -- be on the way out?
There are 799 public libraries in Illinois. And they’re busy. People borrow more than 88 million times a year.
But keeping libraries running costs big money. In Chicago, the city pumps $120 million a year into them. In fact, a full 2.5 percent of our yearly property taxes go to fund them.
That's money that could go elsewhere – like for schools, the CTA, police or pensions
One of the nation's biggest and busiest libraries is the $144-million Harold Washington Library in the Loop. It boasts a staggering 5,000 visitors a day!.
So we decided to check it out. We used an undercover camera to see how many people used the library and what were they doing.
In an hour, we counted about 300 visitors. Most of them were using the free internet. The bookshelves? Not so much.
We know we spend a lot on them. But libraries do bring in some revenue: more than $2 million in fines is collected annually by Chicago public libraries.


I grew very angry upon reading this note. I have read it multiple times since it was published, I have shared it with family and friends. And recently, I finally decided that I wanted my voice to be heard. So I sent an e-mail to Ms. Davlantes over at Fox News.

Below is the text (again, directly copied/pasted) from the e-mail I sent to the author of the article.


Hello Ms. Davlantes,
I am writing a note to you in response to your recent article discussing libraries and tax-payers' "hard-earned" money.
I would like to let you know that I, personally, would be greatly affected if our libraries did not receive funding. I check out a few different books each month as I love to read, and I check out sheet music, CD recordings, DVDs, and other materials. These are things that I would otherwise not have access to due to a limited student budget, but are important in continuing my education.
Your alternative to libraries (the internet and e-books,) all come at an expense - either to have access to the internet, or to purchase a Kindle or other e-reader. Whereas all I need to read my favorite books and find new music is a local address and a government issued ID. Your argument is essentially the same as saying that we should limit the CTA's budget since people could walk place to place; it might not be as convenient, but it's a viable option.
To say that libraries are becoming outdated is just not true. The Elmhurst Public Library alone loaned over 1.5 million items during the last fiscal year. The Elmhurst Public Library's annual fiscal report also showed that while the library took in $6.4 million from the citizens' property taxes, over half of that amount ($3.6 million) was circulated back to the city through library employees' salaries and benefits. In just 11 months, the Naperville Public Library checked out over 4.6 million items. At the Addison Public Library, the average card-holder checks out 14 books each year.
The public library is an extremely important part of the city system. The necessity of the public library is undeniable; it provides community members with free (or discounted) access to materials, resources, and an environment that cannot be found elsewhere.
While the Elmhurst Public Library took in $6.4 million in tax money, they only took in $360,000 from private donors and grants. If one argues that tax money should be redistributed to places other than the public library system, perhaps they themselves could reduce the library's need for tax money and become a private donor to the library.
I would love to continue a discussion on this topic if you wish. I wanted to be sure that you heard a different perspective (that of a college student on a low budget,) in regard to this matter.
With sincere thanks for your time,


I realize that my reaction note may have been lengthy, and there is a good chance it will never get read. But I wanted to feel like I at least tried. Mary A Dempsey, the Chicago Public Library Commissioner sent an even longer response to Ms. Davlantes. (I'll include a link to Ms. Dempsey's response below as well.)

I recognize the fact that we have to respond to our economic crisis, and soon. But I think Ms. Davlantes is being very senseless in her analysis. She is, in a sense, attacking the smaller communities in order to solve a bigger problem. While I am not an economics expert, nor do I claim to be, I think there are other options to look at in terms of editing the overall budget.

I could also rant for hour, days even, about FOX News. But rather than criticize her entire organization, I will simply respond to the senselessness of this particular article. Perhaps another day I will go off about FOX News. Some day...

Until next time.



Click here to read the original article by Anna Davlantes.

Click here to read Mary A Dempsey's response to the article.

If you'd like to send an e-mail to Anna Davlantes to share your opinion, here is her e-mail address:


Potty Talk

Some of my posts will have to do with some really serious issues. Others will not at all.
This is the latter.

Today I took my nephew out for a day on the town. We got ice cream, went to look at puppies at a pet store, and bought a Thomas the Train toy from Babies ‘R Us. All of these things were wonderful.

Here’s the problem we ran in to: My nephew is almost three years old, so he is at the crux in his potty-training process. My nephew successfully used the potty at the the ice cream parlor. But upon arriving at the pet store, and looking at dozens of [hopefully homeward-bound] puppies in their cages, my nephew looked at me and urgently said, “I have to go potty!”

I quickly picked him up and ran to the lone pet store employee and said, “Hi, can we use your bathroom?” And the unhappy 30-something store employee looked at me and said, “I’m sorry, we don’t have a bathroom.”

Excuse me.

This confuses me. And let me tell you why. I find it hard to believe that this almost middle-aged woman works there all day and never gets to use the bathroom once. There is bound to be a bathroom somewhere in the building. And it’s not like I, a 20 year old, needed to use a bathroom arbitrarily. This is a toddler in the midst of potty-training.

In the words of Stephanie Tanner, “How rude!”

Side note: My nephew and I were able to make it to Babies ‘R Us in time to use the potty, and he got a Thomas the Train toy in congratulations.

I guess I don’t understand why bathrooms are not a public service. Everyone needs to go to the bathroom. At least I’m pretty sure that’s true... Why do I have to pretend I’m shopping at a department store, or that I’m staying at a fancy hotel in order to use a bathroom whilst exploring downtown Chicago or Boston? If I have to buy something in order to use your bathroom, I’ll buy myself a ticket on the subway to go back home and use my clean bathroom instead of your bathroom with phone numbers and the words “HELP ME” hastily etched into the stall walls.


I hate to end this post already, but I have to go the bathroom... for free.

Until next time.
